Do you experience high levels of anxiety when visiting the dentist? You may be a candidate for Sedation Dentistry. Dr. Zogby is Board Certified to administer (oral conscious) sedation since 2007, commonly referred to as “Sleep Dentistry.” Fairview Mall Dental Centre has a facility permit to offer conscious sedation to our patients. We offer moderate oral sedation to all patients over 16 years old who are fit to receive it. We conduct a consultation to make sure this is the right treatment for you.
Oral Sedation and Anti-Anxiety Pills:
The most commonly prescribed dental-related drugs that treat anxiety belong to the “Benzodiazepine” family. Drugs such as Valium, Halcion, Xanax, or Ativan. These drugs decrease anxiety by binding and toning down activity within “fear” receptors in the brain.
There are two different types of Benzodiazepines:
- Sedative-Hypnotics: These drugs induce calm, including drowsiness and even sleep. This sleep state is actually a form of hypnosis which is a form of physiological sleep. This is what we perform in a regular fashion during our sedation appointment. This is usually given once a patient is in our office. These medications tend to give an amnesia effect so the patient doesn’t recall what took place while the medication is effective.
- Anti-Anxiety Drugs: These are drugs that relieve anxiety and induce a state of calm and relaxation. These drugs can be given prior to the appointment to make the patient calmer to handle the procedure. The low dose anti-anxiety can be taken by the patient prior to arriving at the office without the need for many of the restrictions listen below.
If you are taking either sedation or anti-anxiety medication: you will need a companion to take you home after the procedure is complete, because your ability to function normally is dramatically altered and it is easy to become disorientated.
In some cases we mix nitrous oxide with the medication to get a higher level of sedation, every case is different and we have the knowledge and expertise to treat each case accordingly.
Oral Sedation:
Benefits of sedation dentistry:
- Treatment is completed when you are in a more relaxed mood and you will not remember details of the visit. It is ideal for anxious people
- You will have less difficulty sitting through a lengthy procedure. You will be very relaxed and less aware of time.
- Multiple treatments and full mouth restorations can occur during the same visit while your body is very relaxed.
- Less discomfort after treatment because sedation reduces pain awareness.
- Procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions and other more complicated procedures can be completed while the patient is very relaxed.
Sedation appointment day if taking sedation medication:
- Do Not drink any alcohol or caffeinated beverages for 24 hours prior to your appointment.
- Not eat or drink anything from midnight before nor should you take any medication not approved by Doctor prior to your appointment.
- You should not drink grapefruit juice or eat any grapefruit product for 7 days before your appointment.
- Have a companion to pick you up when the appointment is completed.
- Absolutely NO driving yourself after appointment!
- We suggest you wear comfortable clothing e.g. a lightweight jogging suit
- No contact lense during appointment
- vital signs are monitored throughout the entire appointment and a designated staff member will be by your side the whole time.
When not to take benzodiazepines:
Some of these drugs can affect your liver and heart. It’s important to check with your practitioner and/or pharmacist and have a full physical exam and blood test done within a year from your sedation appointment. We conduct a pre-sedation appointment with an extensive medical questionnaire to make sure it is safe to perform conscious sedation on you. Your safety is our priority. You should be sure to inform your doctor or dentist if any of the following apply: known allergy to the drug, narrow-angle glaucoma, pregnancy, severe respiratory disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), impaired kidney or liver function, depression/bipolar disorder/psychoses, chronic bronchitis, and some other conditions. It’s also important to let us know if you are taking other medications. There could be possible drug interactions.